Current Updates

This blog is an informal, and sometimes intermittent, record of my MEng project.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Finalising the Hardware and Designing a PCB

I've been working towards the inevitable PCB production stage, making decisions and testing designs to allow a PCB to be designed sensibly.  Designing a PCB takes quite a lot of time to do properly, and learning to use the software effectively can take a little time.

Friday, 24 February 2012

A Lazy Friday

Some days feel a bit slow, and you don't get much work done.  The work you do get done, though, feels well worth it.  Today I tested out the serial interface, and produced a test pattern which should be useful for testing the floor sensors.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Motor Feedback and Hardware Design

Today I tested whether low-pass filtering of the current sense signals from the motors was of any use, and investigated some methods of getting motor speed feedback.  I also considered the use of the AVR's pins, and looked into obstacle detection and mapping hardware.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Considering Requirements

I started the day by researching more about FreeRTOS, specifically the differences between tasks and coroutines.  I then went on to explore whether FreeRTOS would be the best option for the robot, or whether I could make do with a simpler multi-tasking system.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Getting a Grip

Today began by investigating how to improve the wheels - this involved researching different tyre materials.  I also prototyped the serial level converter circuit, and looked into the use of FreeRTOS on the AVR.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Rewiring and Maths

Last week, I discovered some problems in the power system on the prototyping board, which caused the microcontroller to reset sporadically.  Today, I worked on this issue, and did some more work on navigation.

Friday, 17 February 2012

System Improvement

Today I did quite a bit of theory work and coding.  Most of this concerns the dead reckoning system.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Bits and Bobs

I've been concentrating on my initial project report for a while now, so I've not generated much new material.  I have been doing the odd bit of practical work, so I'll sum up several days all together here.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Getting Things Right

Yesterday I had some issues making the AVR work properly.  I couldn't get any output to appear on the LEDs I'd connected - I'd already found that the Data Direction Register (DDR) wasn't set correctly, and modified the code, but there was still some problem.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Making Things Work

Yesterday, I build a motor controller.  The primary aim today is to finish testing it with PWM, and to (hopefully) make the AVR do something useful.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Mechanical Considerations and Motor Controllers

Today's aim was to consider some of the physical effects that may be seen in attempting to track the robot's position.